Complicated situations sometimes ask for gentle and unnoticable escapes, so why not "squid" your way out of it? :)
Today I woke up inspired to cook: great!
For breakfast, and to wake up the neighboors, I made a fresh fruit juice including 2 clementines (without the peel), half a lemon (with the peel), 1 persimmon and a little bit of ginger. Added some water and blended it all together. It was delicious and you could feel the lemon taste with a slight hint of the ginger, just enough and nice to me. I ate a soy yogurt from the brand Soygurt (which I buy at the local supermarket: LIDL) with muesli, linseed and a few cereals that taste like honey (Golden Grahams). I was all very good, and of course the best way to wake up, is to get the best fuel to start the day, so never forget your breakfast: the MOST importante meal of the day!

After work, walked the dog, and didn't feel like doing much for lunch, so I boiled some cheese tortellini, spinach, and joined it with 1 can of tuna fish, grated mozzarella cheese, oregano6black pepper and some ketchup. It was actually very good, if you don't like cooked spinach, try brocolli, it's also very good. It placed ketchup instead of real tomato sauce, because I didn't have much time to cook, of course if you have the time, fry some onions and garlic with tomato sauce, join the tuna and the rest of it, and it will be even more delicious!
Work ended, and I felt like doing something I had in mind since the Christmas spirit hit me, do some decorations with a few nature gifts my dad gave me. Here's how it turned out: (I'm actually very glad how it turned out, and I love it!)
I'm decorating my rented house for Christmas the very first time, I never had the opportunity because I always spent the holidays in my parents house, but now with work occupying all of my time, I really needed to come home and have this lovely decorations all around me.
And then, came dinner... I had an idea for a while, that involved stuffed squids, so here are my spicy stuffed squids:
Spicy Stuffed Squids avec Broccoli & Carrots
4 Squids
A little bit of soy chourizo
5 Garlic cloves
Half an onion
Olive oil
1 Tomato
White Wine
Toothpicks (to close the content)
4 Broccoli heads
1 Carrot
Black pepper
Dad's spicy sauce
First I blended the filling: tomato, garlics, salt and chourizo all together with a little bit of olive oil. Cleaned the squids really well, specially their insides, removing all the guts and bones (they have a really thin bone). Stuffed the squids with the filling, closed them. Boiled some water and added the brocolli and the carrot.
Heated in a big pan, olive oil & a vegetable oil (called Vaqueiro Líquida), added the onions, coriander (dried), white wine, black pepper, and the spicy sauce, wait until it cooks a little bit, add some water and the squids. Turn them over 3 times, and wait till it's done.
Season the broccoli and carrots with olive oil and vinegar, cut half a bread and place the squids & sauce over it.
Wait till your mouth starts salivating, and eat. It is very good!
I had a lot of fun doing this, and of course, my dog was very bored by all the time I spent cooking, so now I'll just go and give her some snuggles before we go to bed.
Good night everyone.